Plate and Frame Heat Exchanger Cleaning

A plate heat exchanger, like any tool in your garage, needs regular maintenance. A dirty heat exchanger reduces the effectiveness of heat transfer. Layers of dirt or other fouling substances start to build-up in plate and frame heat exchangers over their service life. Fouling can be removed by either chemical treatment or mechanical brushing. The video below shows the full service of a plate heat exchanger.
The cleaning process of the heat exchanger includes the following steps:
Disassemble the heat exchanger
Before disassembling the heat exchanger we will first measure and record the thickness of the plate pack. To disassemble the plate heat exchanger, we will loosen and remove all the bolts. We will then remove the gasket from each plate. The heat exchanger plate will then be loaded onto a rack and ready for a bath.
Descaling Bath
After the plate has been loaded onto the rack, it will be given a bath in the descaling tank by running chemicals in the tank.
Pressure Washing
Pressure washing is required to further remove any stubborn stain and dirt.
UV crack testing
U.V. dye-penetrant inspection to detect corrosion or defects not visible to the naked eye. UV dye is sprayed onto one side of the plate. Should there be any leaks or cracks, it will be shown by using the UV torch.
Repack heat exchanger
After the heat transfer plates are thoroughly cleaned, they will then be re-gasketed and packed to its original state.
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