Case Study – ECTFE Vessel Lining Repair
Did you know that InKorr also specializes in corrosion-resistant equipment including polymer linings?
InKorr recently assisted one of our clients with an urgent repair of their ECTFE (halar) lined vessel. The vessel was designed to remove water from HCl gas and was critical to the operation of the plant. Damage on the polymer lining had resulted in corrosion of the steel – this would lead to operational issues and safety hazards if left unattended.

The delivery of a brand new vessel would take at least 6 months. Therefore, InKorr presented the solution of repairing the corroded steel parts and a lining repair for the vessel locally so that the client could continue operating in the meantime.

1. The vessel was received at InKorr’s workshop, carefully disassembled, cleaned, and inspected for lining damage and corrosion. Immediately, it was apparent that the lining on two of the process nozzles had been damaged and had split. This had caused lining to fold inward, block/restrict flow, and corrode the nozzle necks.
2. Further inspection on the internal lining of the vessel was done by spark testing and ultrasonic thickness testing to map corroded areas. Certain areas showed initial signs to wear but no other significant corrosion was found.
3. The old lining was stripped and removed. The two corroded nozzles were cut off. Replacement nozzles were supplied and welded in place. New welds were inspected by NDT examination.
4. The entire shell was sent for sandblasting to prepare the surface for re-lining.
5. A new liner was applied to the internal of the vessel by method of rotolining. Due to material availability at the time of the repair, the client agreed to use a thicker PE lining in place of ECTFE.
6. The re-lined vessel was re-assembled at InKorr, coated with 2 part epoxy, packed, and returned to the client for re-installation.
Due to the urgency of the situation, InKorr worked around-the-clock and with our suppliers through each step to get the job done as quickly as possible. The repair was successfully completed and the newly refurbished vessel returned to the client within one week. A full service report of the works including material certs, welding, and NDT documentation, was prepared and submitted to the client.
InKorr specializes in highly corrosion-resistant equipment – from graphite to polymer, glass, and exotic metal heat exchangers, piping, and tanks, we have a solution for you!
Contact our team and we will be happy to assist with any of your enquiries.