Full Refurb on “mini” HCl Unit

The InKorr team was asked to take 2 damaged HCl synthesis units, scour them for usable parts and then build one quality, working piece of equipment. HCl synthesis units are used to produce HCl gas from chlorine and hydrogen. The gasses are burned together in the absence of oxygen to produce HCl. The challenging nature of such equipment has to do with the heat generated in the flame of the reaction (roughly 2,000 degreed Celsius) and the fact that HCl is an extremely corrosive material.

One of the more complicated aspects of maintaining this equipment is caring for, testing, and even in some cases repairing the graphite components. Impregnated graphite is necessary for its full resistance to HCl at any concentration and any temperature. Despite its outstanding corrosion resistance, it is susceptible to mechanical damage. This means that handling these parts takes experience and know-how!
The fully refurbished equipment was shipped today to our client in Australia for use in their factory in the agriculture sector. One repair successfully out the door. Now, on to the next project!