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Pick Heaters – Direct Steam Injection (DSI)

Most heat exchangers operate on the principles of indirect heat transfer from one fluid to another across one or more interfaces to prevent cross mixing or contamination. Unfortunately, whether the interface is a thin plate, tube, or other types of surfaces, there will always be energy losses which can often results in high fuel costs for steam heaters. By injecting steam directly into the liquid stream, Pick Heaters DSI delivers 100% of the steam energy to heat the liquid. The results is greater energy efficiency and lower fuel costs. Additionally, the well-established design of our DSI’s operates at low noise levels, generates minimum pressure drop in the liquid stream, and eliminates excessive vibrations and steam hammer. With countless applications in the food processing, chemical, pharmaceutical, pulp & paper, energy, and many other industries, there could be a huge potential for cost savings within your operation. 

More Information

For more information about our direct steam injectors, download our brochure. 

Advantages of Our Product

Pick Heaters

Energy Efficient

When compared to Tank Steam Sparging, Indirect Shell & Tube, or Plate Heat Exchangers, Pick Direct Steam Injection Heaters can cut fuel costs dramatically – up to 28% – because 100% of the available energy from the steam is instantly absorbed by the liquid. We can conduct a energy comparison study for you!

Exceptional Temperature Control

Accurate temperature control throughout the entire operating range conserves energy and assures product quality. The Pick Heaters DSI adapts quickly to process load changes and can maintain precise temperature control to within 1°C. 

Complete Mixing in Heater Body

With Pick Heaters DSI, there is no need for straight run discharge piping before or after the heater as required by high velocity steam eductors. 

Capital Costs Savings

When compared to conventional heat exchangers, DSI heaters take up only a fraction of the space. No matter what your plant size or floor space constraints are, there’s always room for a Pick Heater. The DSI also deliver an unlimited supply of hot water on demand, thus eliminating the need for large storage tanks. 

Low Maintenance Costs

The DSI has only one moving part, which can be inspected quickly and easily. Replacement parts are low cost as compared to expensive internal trim in high velocity steam eductor heaters and heat exchanger tube bundles or gasketed plates. 

Design Conditions

  • A number of heater designs for various applications such as constant flow heater, variable flow heater, starch cooker, sanitary heater, and custom fabricated heater.
  • Can be delivered as standalone heaters or in a completed skid system (with steam valve, temperature controller, etc).
  • Standard steam flow rates from 300 kg/hr to 22,600 kg/hr.
  • Standard liquid flow rates up to 3000 GPM.
  • Liquid stream connections from 1/2″ to 12″.
  • Threaded (up to 4″) and flanged connections.
  • Available in carbon steel, stainless steel, cast iron, or special alloys on request.
Pick Heater Technical Drawing

Numerous Applications and Examples

Not sure what the problem is with your equipment?

Send your heat exchanger or plate pack to our workshop and we can help you diagnose and fix the issues! 

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